TechTogether Boston is one of TechTogether's largest and longest running hackathons. Since it's founding in 2018, TechTogether Boston has served a total of 3,002 people of marginalized genders through it's annual hackathons.
TechTogether Boston has inspired the creation of several gender-focused hackathons, including SharkHack and HackHer413.
TechTogether Boston serves primarily high school, college, and bootcamp students in the Greater Boston Area. The organizing team consists of leaders from Massachusetts.
Damilola Awofisayo
TechTogether Boston 2021 Attendee
"I’m not exaggerating when I say it seems like I learned more on the weekend of TechTogether Boston than I did in my first CS class. I built my very first Flask backend, successfully used a very complicated API with an SDK (I didn’t even know what SDK meant!), not to mention I learned a lot about finance and investment (pretty useful skills you need as an adult)."
Emily Cooper
TechTogether Boston 2021 Attendee
"TechTogether completely changed my outlook on hackathons and has helped me gain confidence in both myself and my technical abilities."
Maria Paula Fernandez
TechTogether Boston 2021 Attendee
"These three girls made me feel very empowered, and I quickly forgot my fears when first coming into the event...I invite all individuals, especially those who ever thought about participating in these events but chose not to because of fear of leaving their comfort zones, to attend the next TechTogether hackathon."
SheHacks 2017-2018
800 Hackers
13 Organizers
50% First-time Hackers
1866 Applications
$20k Prizes
94 Projects
50 Sponsors
95.5% of participants said they would attend next year’s event
Hosted at Boston University
Featured in the New York Times, Times Magazine, Chicago Tribune, Washington Post, Daily mail, CBC Radio and BU Today.
TechTogether Boston 2018-2019
550 Hackers
30 Organizers
50% First-time Hackers
$22k Prizes
106 Projects
43 Sponsors
90% of attendees submitted a project
Hosted at Boston University
Featured in the Boston Globe, BU Today, and Untold Business.
TechTogether Boston 2019-2020
560 Hackers
25 Organizers
$20k Prizes
82 Projects
26 Sponsors
70% of hackers submitted a project
Hosted at Boston University
On average, 80% of applicants had attended last year’s event.
TechTogether Boston 2020-2021
561 Hackers
27 Organizers
1161 Applications
44% First-Time Hackers
$6k Prizes
66 Projects
23 Sponsors
99% of attendees would recommend the event to a friend.
Hosted Virtually
33% of TechTogether Boston 2021 organizers said they have gotten job offers from being a part of our organization.
TechTogether Boston 2021-2022
531 Hackers
12 Organizers
1489 Registrations
51% First-Time Hackers
$4k Prizes
43 Projects
13 Sponsors
96% of attendees would recommend the event to a friend.
Hosted Virtually
72% of TechTogether Boston attendees said TechTogether Boston positively influenced their decision to pursue a employment opportunities in the tech industry.
TechTogether Boston 2022-2023
No information is available yet for TechTogether Boston's next hackathon.